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Local amenities


  • School "ODZ "Radost"" - 714 m (9 min.)
  • School "PGVMSS Sv. Georgi Pobedonosets" - 1.2 km (14 min.)

  • Hospital - 628 m (8 min.)
  • Hospital "MTs-1" - 857 m (11 min.)

  • Food market - 730 m (9 min.)
  • Supermarket "billa" - 444 m (6 min.)
  • Supermarket "promarket" - 660 m (8 min.)

  • Bank "otp Group" - 732 m (9 min.)
  • Bank "Tsentralna Kooperativna Banka" - 788 m (10 min.)
  • Pharmacy - 671 m (9 min.)
  • Postal service "Ekont" - 673 m (9 min.)
  • Postal service - 841 m (11 min.)
  • Vet - 777 m (10 min.)

  • Restaurant "Belitsa" - 663 m (8 min.)
  • Restaurant "Mimoza" - 747 m (9 min.)
  • Cafe "Evrofutbol" - 722 m (9 min.)
  • Casino - 694 m (9 min.)

  • Swimming pool - 711 m (9 min.)

  • Park - 616 m (8 min.)

  • Car park - 465 m (6 min.)
  • Petrol station "Metan Stantsiya" - 375 m (5 min.)
  • Car wash - 370 m (5 min.)
  • Car service - 723 m (9 min.)

  • Court house "Rayonen Sad" - 808 m (10 min.)


€ 108 000 Area: 2 189.00 m2    (49 €/m2)
  • BGN
  • $
  • £
We accept credit, debit cards & PayPal
Online payments by virtual POS terminal
Agency commission due
FOR MORE INFORMATION Property ref: Sfa 84084

When calling, please quote the property reference number.

Victor Vucheliiski

Victor Vucheliiski

Office Sofia
22, Zlaten Rog Str., floor 4, office 7, Sofia 1407 All properties (223)


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