Our partners are leading Bulgarian and international companies

See who are some of our valued partners.
Our Partners

Imot.bg is the most popular real estate portal in Bulgaria and one of our most important partners. We advertise thousands of properties for sale and rent on their website, providing the most effective advertising for your properties.

The other leading real estate portal in Bulgaria. Dating back to 2000, it is the first real estate portal. It is the organizer of the Annual Awards for real estate companies and also organizes regular business conferences.

We have a long-standing partnership with Postbank and we work in many areas. We partner in their loan products and their own properties for sale, submit them data and analyzes. In 2020, we signed a contract to offer our exclusive properties in their mega residential centers.

DSK Bank is our long-standing partner in many areas. We successfully market some of their real estate owned. We are a partner of DSK Dom, a credit intermediary of the bank, to assist our clients with getting mortgage loans.

Financial and accounting house Miltonia Ltd. is our trusted partner specialized in accounting services and tax planning of companies registered in Bulgaria. We recommend their services to our clients.

Another leading bank that is our strategic partner. We have established partnerships with respect to their credit products, as well as the sale of real estate in their portfolio, market data and other consulting services.

The largest bank in Bulgaria - our partner in the provision of payment systems, bank transfers and other financial services. We also cooperate on their mortgage products. We provide them with market information, price stats and reports.

Our trusted partner when it comes to property and various types of insurance products in Bulgaria. With their help we can offer you insurance of movable and immovable property, health and medical insurance and other products.

An emblematic complex in Krustova Vada quarter on Cherni vrah Blvd. in Sofia. It has been among the best-selling complexes in Sofia for several years. BULGARIAN PROPERTIES is the exclusive agent for the complex.

One of the largest construction and investment companies in Bulgaria. We partner with them in different directions - both for the sale of properties in their new developments such as Borovets Gardens, as well as for projects of which they are the main contractor.

Leading economic portal with which we have a long-standing cooperation in reflecting the current market trends in the field of real estate. We also take part in the annual Economic Forum "The Sound of Money" organized by them.

Leading economic media that closely monitors the property market and publishes regular reports on the subject. We partner with them providing data and observations for the market.

We partner with the Real Estate Faculty for student internship programs and open job positions. We exchange knowledge, attend their scientific conferences, and publish articles in the scientific journal they publish.

The leading British platform for overseas property. For 15 years now we have partnered with them in the different fields in which they operate - we participate in their TV show, property exhibitions, provide materials for articles on the Bulgarian real estate market, as well as advertise real estate offers in Bulgaria.

They are an British currency exchange broker. We cooperate with regard to foreign exchange and transfers by our clients. They have been providing excellent exchange rates with minimal fees and costs to their clients and have been our trusted partner for over 10 years.